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Briarpark Green Office Complex
Briarpark Green Office Complex
Briarpark Green Office Complex
Briarpark Green Office Complex
Briarpark Green Office Complex
Briarpark Green Office Complex
Briarpark Green Office Complex
Briarpark Green Office Complex
Briarpark Green Office Complex
Briarpark Green Office Complex
Briarpark Green Office Complex

Briarpark Green Office Complex

The first LEED Platinum Class-A office building in Houston, this three-story, 70,000-square-foot complex has a flexible and efficient building plan that easily accommodates multiple building tenants.

Briarpark Green is PGAL's hallmark for sustainable office design. Abundant natural light combines with daylight harvesting technology to improve workplace productivity and enhance the building's marketability.

Entry lobby finishes include natural stones, sapele wood paneling, and premium light fixtures. The second floor reception area echoes the main floor finishes and is further complemented by granite appointments and cool, airy colors throughout.

The upper two levels include multiple training rooms with state-of-the-art technology, open plan offices, a resource library, and glass-enclosed offices. Unique ceiling treatments are used for sound absorption while broadloom and carpet tiles offer long-term durability.

Designed to surpass energy code requirements, the building realizes 25 percent increased performance in energy and operational savings.

A number of green elements were used to increase the eco-friendly design without compromising the overall budget. PGAL selected high-performance glass, wall and roof assemblies, and regional, high-recycled content materials.

Features Include:

  1. Abundant natural light with daylight harvesting technology
  2. Multiple training rooms, open plan offices, resource library, and glass-enclosed offices
  3. Green elements including high-performance glass, wall and roof assemblies, and regional, high-recycled content materials
Volver Arriba