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The Village School Elementary, Middle, + High School Renovations

PGAL was selected to provide architectural design services for renovations to The Village School’s elementary, middle, and high schools.

The project scope included the renovation of 14 classrooms in the elementary and middle schools, including new finishes, lighting, and mechanical systems. The existing nurse’s station was also enlarged to accommodate the Schools’ growing population.

Recreation and athletic spaces were also included. The existing ballet hall was remodeled, including new flooring that allows for more flexibility in supported uses, including ballet, yoga, and aerobics, and a new ball field was designed on an adjacent vacant lot.

The administrative offices and support spaces in the high school were renovated with new finishes and lighting.

The projects were fast-tracked to be completed for the beginning of school term and were phased during the summer months to accommodate ongoing summer school sessions.

Features include:

  1. 14 renovated classrooms

  2. New ball field and recreation areas

  3. Renovated ballet hall

Volver Arriba