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Coral Springs Charter Middle + High School
Coral Springs Charter Middle + High School
Coral Springs Charter Middle + High School
Coral Springs Charter Middle + High School
Coral Springs Charter Middle + High School

Coral Springs Charter Middle + High Schools

Once complete, the City of Coral Springs will have a new, 3,200-student middle and high school charter school campus.

Designed to be a demonstration school operated by Charter Schools, USA, the campus is sited adjacent to Mullins Park and the Coral Springs Center for the Arts. The middle school building will be 90,000 square feet and the high school building will be 190,000 square feet. Both buildings will include classrooms, administration, science laboratories, and cafeterias.

The high school will share the use of the current theater and adjacent athletic fields and include a new football stadium.

Features include:

  1. 90,000-square-foot middle school

  2. 190,000-square-foot high school

  3. Demonstration school for Charter Schools, USA

Volver Arriba