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NBPS International Residential Village
NBPS International Residential Village
NBPS International Residential Village
NBPS International Residential Village
NBPS International Residential Village
NBPS International Village
NBPS International Residential Village
NBPS International Residential Village
NBPS International Residential Village
NBPS International Residential Village

North Broward Preparatory School International Village

As an internationally renowned educational establishment, North Broward Preparatory School attracts students from all over the world as well as throughout the United States.

The residential village was designed to fulfill the school’s vision of community by assembling their dormitory students, previously housed on various locations, together in a new, 179,000-square-foot, 370-bed facility.

Featuring a modern mix of bedroom units with campus and lakeside views, the dormitory also supports its vibrant international community with a variety of lounges, game rooms, kitchen/café spaces, and study rooms within, while also providing courtyards for a variety of outdoor recreational activities. The dormitory fits in seamlessly with its surroundings, allowing students to be steps away from classroom buildings and playfields alike, creating a truly campus-like feel and community.

Features include:

  1. 370 beds for boarding students

  2. Variety of outdoor courtyards

  3. Centralized campus location

Volver Arriba